Posts tagged create your life
Do You Have A Dream That Has Been On Hold Way Too Long?

When I was a teenager I wrote everyday. It was art and medicine for me. I even got my first degree in creative writing and was a journalist for the college newspaper.  I always adored authors (my mom turned me onto books at age 14). My heroes are authors, some of my friends are authors, when I'm envious of's usually an author or someone with incredible writing skills. Do you relate to this at all? Are there people doing things in the world that you just swoon over and think, "Wow! I'd love to love to do that, be that, have that."

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6 Things You Need to Know to Create the Life you Want

LET'S GET REAL. And to get real, I need to ask real questions. So I won't beat around bush...

What are you willing to give up, in order to have the life you keep saying you want?

Is there something you have been yearning to try or to create but feel too afraid or have rationalized it down to 'not worthy' or 'not now.' Are you stuck in old patterns and beliefs that seem to keep you on a loop of repeated stories that you're getting tired of living out? Do you feel envy towards others, catching yourself getting lost on social media wondering how everyone else seems to be living into their dreams?  

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