Do You Dare to Meet Your Hearts Longing? {Video}

Do you dare to meet your hearts longing?

Longing is part of human nature. It doesn’t necessarily mean we’re off path..

It means we’re ALIVE.

If it is even possible to go ‘off path’, that of which I’m not totally convinced of, it would be when we ignore that longing...

for far too long.

I’m not speaking about instant gratification or self-indulgent acts of the ego.

I’m speaking about


soul level.


The kind of longing that asks us…

to leave a career that is slowly killing our spirit

to make much needed hard changes in a relationship or our lifestyle…

because it’s just not working like this anymore.

to move to a new state or country

to dive deeper into that calling we feel totally awkward at, or unworthy of





when we give ourself permission to be with it

even in the messy moments.

The kind of longing that beckons us with a whisper

answering our deepest prayers and wildest dreams …

that kind of longing.

We just have to be willing to lean in …

and listen.



To daring to be who we most long to be...together,

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Imagine what you could create, who you could become...

if you had a creative, profound, sovereign vision in the major areas of your life, a soul-centered roadmap for manifesting your mission and goals with more ease, reflection to see your unique contribution with increased awareness and confidence, the guidance you need to move through obstacles with more grace and lightness, and an uplifting community supporting you into not just success, but deep soul level fulfillment?

Oh and fun, so much fun!

This is an 8-month course, community, and coaching experience for up to 24 ambitious creatives and soulful leaders who dare to expand possibility, uniquely contribute, and lead more intentionally.

Our journey, beginning February 3rd, is a life expansion and leadership accelerator program to support you in bringing your full self to the world. My process as a guide, teacher, and coach is deep, playful, and real. We approach leadership, business, and life from a stance of deep work, rather than hard work - one of profound listening and presence - and because of that…

You Can Not Help But To Blossom.




>>>Now, I’d love to hear from you in the comments below<<<


What is something you long to create in your life?