Posts tagged personal development
Meant for Bigger Things? a story about me that will relate to you.

People often ask me how I ‘found my calling’ and how I created mission-based work in the world that’s not only emotionally and spiritually rewarding, but also financially rewarding. 

Here is my answer to that…


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2 Scholarships + Full Details (The Changemakers Circle)


This experience is about awakening the changemaker in you.
It’s about discovering, creating, and sharing your gifts with more authenticity and depth. It’s about singing your song with more confidence and courage. Its about more honesty navigating the messy parts of life so you can be more present for the marvelous parts. It’s about growing, contributing, and celebrating life with more joy, more ease, and more presence. It’s about bringing your full self to the world - owning all parts of you and your story and making beautiful art out of YOU and your precious life. The Changemakers Circle is about mining your soul for gold and creating more beauty in your life, your loved ones life, your community, and even the world at large. 




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Is Self-Doubt Holding You Back?

I’m not going to lie…January has unexpectedly unraveled me and it wasn’t pretty. 

It’s what I like to refer to as the ‘shadow unraveling.’ 


It’s not the kind of untangling that often comes welcomed with open arms, a sort of walk into the untethered with gratitude and ‘readiness’ (much like during an uplifting yoga class or a deep release massage). This kind of unraveling exposes within us parts of our ego that we’re not particularly proud of (you know, the messy human parts that we don’t like to show the world)...

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Overwhelmed? This is the Only Strategy that Helped

I’m not going to lie…January has unexpectedly unraveled me and it wasn’t pretty. 

It’s what I like to refer to as the ‘shadow unraveling.’ 


It’s not the kind of untangling that often comes welcomed with open arms, a sort of walk into the untethered with gratitude and ‘readiness’ (much like during an uplifting yoga class or a deep release massage). This kind of unraveling exposes within us parts of our ego that we’re not particularly proud of (you know, the messy human parts that we don’t like to show the world)...

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What To Do If Your Soul Isn't Getting What It Wants

I've been to four years of therapy, done two weeks of silent meditation in the jungle of Brazil, sat through an intense peyote ceremony on the beach in Nicaragua, engaged in rituals with shamans and sisters, broken my heart open in yoga classes with gurus, chanted ancient mantras with monks, cleansed my aura (and my anus for that matter). I've danced, screamed, stomped, and cried my demons/chains off. And I will say ALL of these are great and have their place in my heart and my current experience of life. However, if bringing your full self to the world is what your soul wants, there has only been one thing that has truly brought me to that place. And that is S T R E T C H I N G myself everyday. I don't mean literally stretching myself (though that certainly has created a lot of release and freedom in my life). I mean stretching myself outside my comfort zone, and doing that consistently

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The Three Types of Freedom and How to Enter Your Zone of Genius

When I was a child I use to daydream about living a life where I could be myself fully. But as a little one I deeply feared rejection due to some ‘learned’ experiences from society. I was a charismatic and vivacious little girl who also had a neurological disorder, which inherently made me ‘different.’ I remember being ostracized by schoolmates (including my childhood best friend) after ‘I was found out’ due to having seizures in school. No doubt, it imprinted on me some strong beliefs about myself and the world (that I no longer hold).

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How to stop screwing yourself over

Did you know that the odds of you being born - You, at the moment in time you were born, to the parents you were born to, with your unique DNA structure, is 1 in 400 trillion! Imagine that! 1: 400,000,000,000,000 - that's A LOT of zeros.

So what does this mean for you?

It means that your very existence is EXTRAORDINARY. You are already enough by the very nature of your presence. So my question to you then is this...

Are you living up to that legacy? Do you feel that your potential in life, love, and leadership is being tapped into? Or you are 'waiting for a better time' - when the kids are grown, when you have more money, when life isn't so busy. when you know more. when you're 'more' ready. 

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The Truth About Happiness (that no one is talking about)

"When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life" - John Lennon


I came across this quote recently and it got me thinking...


It got me thinking about the truth, that at the core of every goal and every desire, what we are all really after - is happiness


In fact, so often where busy, driven professionals and visionaries lose this connection, is that they focus on what they think will bring them happiness (a means to end goal) rather than the end goal itself. 

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