Posts tagged writing
How To Become Truly Present To All Life Has To Offer

On our path towards our desires, dreams, and a life fully lived - the goal is presence (not joy) along the journey. Presence will summon life force and truly 'life summoning through you is what it's all about." Sometimes presence will feel ecstatic and joyful and sometimes it will feel brutal and painful. To allow both the beauty and the brutality of humanity to be felt is to be truly deeply intimate with yourself and others and is the only path I have witnessed to living a truly full(filled) life.

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A Tool I Use to Enhance Clarity & Creativity

There is nothing I want more for myself and for others than for us to bring our full self to the world - the version of you that feels whole, purposeful, inspired, connected, and peaceful

However when life feels 'too' full it can create the complete opposite experiences and emotions we were going for in the first place. 

'Too full' feels overwhelming and in that overwhelm causes us to ask questions that truly have no answer, such as "what should I do?" It creates a sense of urgency, rather than an opportunity to grow and gain real insight and direction. And it cuts us off from two of the most important things we need to consciously create a life by design - clarity and creativity. 

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