What does living an intentional life mean to you? (Plus WIN a spot in The Changemakers Collective)


Part 3 of a 3 part series on Living Intentionally

I highly recommend reading this to music by Sol Rising (song: Your Love - instrumental)

When I write you, I imagine us sitting around a fire. 

There are others too. 

Our circle is as wide as our hearts are open and our stories are as diverse as the leaves on a tree. Yet, we all arrive in this space, together, with something that unites us. 

It connects us beyond our stories and our differences.  

We come together, because we long to truly see and be seen. 

The truth. We are vastly vulnerable. 

The hope. We lean into it.  

I walk into the circle, I feel naked. I feel alive. And I tell you my truth…

I’m afraid to say the wrong thing….almost all of the time. I know I’m often seen as a very ‘confident’ woman who ‘does her thing’ and if you don’t like it, “oh well.” But the truth is, I have a very tender heart beneath this 6 foot tall frame and because of that I have spent much of my life learning how to really be with myself and with others. I believe that’s why my soul is called to write and teach - so I can lean into my fear and truly see and be seen. I resisted that calling for a long time. I still do, at times. I run away. I judge myself and others. I doubt myself. Yet, it’s my ‘mess’ that makes me whole and undivided. Because it is in this place of depth, honesty, and wholehearted courage that we can find our peace, within ourselves and with each other. What I know for sure is this, I need others. I thrive when I let people in. I come alive when I let them truly see me. I don’t have life ‘figured out.’

Though, from what I can tell, living intentionally is not about getting life ‘right.’ It’s not about ‘rocking our business’ or ‘mastering our morning routine’ - it’s about leaning into the fullness of who we are.

It’s about getting deeply curious to know our truest self. It’s about the willingness to get it wrong, and to start again. And without doubt, it’s about leaning into seeing and being seen…

because we are stronger, together. 

Above all else, I am here to create community.

Whether it’s a love note in your inbox, a musing on social media, a virtual experience, or an in-person circle…I hold us as a tribe. We gather together because we long for conversation with more depth, more honesty, more wholehearted courage. We long to bring our full self to the world. 

Will you walk into our circle and tell your truth?

Lean in by sharing in the comments below. 

What does living intentionally mean to you? 

PS. Over the next couple of weeks, I will be sharing more inspiration on living intentionally over on Instagram

From Oct. 5-11, 2018, I will be running a GIVEAWAY on Instagram for The Fulfillment Formula Life Design Journal + Companion Planner, in addition to a spot in The Changemakers Collective (a 4 week virtual life design + soulful planning experience to create your year ahead with purpose, presence, and peace of mind). 

Thanks for being here! I don’t take it for granted. 

 {This is PART THREE of a series on living intentionally - to read part one GO HERE, to read part two GO HERE}

From what I can tell, living intentionally is not about getting life ‘right.’ It’s not about ‘rocking our business’ or ‘mastering our morning routine’ - it’s about leaning into the fullness of who we are.

From what I can tell, living intentionally is not about getting life ‘right.’ It’s not about ‘rocking our business’ or ‘mastering our morning routine’ - it’s about leaning into the fullness of who we are.


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To leaning in and telling our truth…together.

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