Posts in Balance
What To Do If Your Soul Isn't Getting What It Wants

I've been to four years of therapy, done two weeks of silent meditation in the jungle of Brazil, sat through an intense peyote ceremony on the beach in Nicaragua, engaged in rituals with shamans and sisters, broken my heart open in yoga classes with gurus, chanted ancient mantras with monks, cleansed my aura (and my anus for that matter). I've danced, screamed, stomped, and cried my demons/chains off. And I will say ALL of these are great and have their place in my heart and my current experience of life. However, if bringing your full self to the world is what your soul wants, there has only been one thing that has truly brought me to that place. And that is S T R E T C H I N G myself everyday. I don't mean literally stretching myself (though that certainly has created a lot of release and freedom in my life). I mean stretching myself outside my comfort zone, and doing that consistently

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The Truth About Happiness (that no one is talking about)

"When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life" - John Lennon


I came across this quote recently and it got me thinking...


It got me thinking about the truth, that at the core of every goal and every desire, what we are all really after - is happiness


In fact, so often where busy, driven professionals and visionaries lose this connection, is that they focus on what they think will bring them happiness (a means to end goal) rather than the end goal itself. 

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3 Things I Know For Sure About Confidence and How to Enhance It

I once heard someone say, "Confidence. It's not a pre-requisite for bold action, but it is the RESULT of bold action."

Confidence is something we all want more of - more confidence to land that deal, to take that risk, to follow our dreams, to get on that stage, to write that book, to ask that person out on a date. The paradox here is... you've got to first be willing to go for what you want to develop the confidence you think you need to get it. ha! 

I personally find it to be a daily practice to hold onto and act on what I know to be true for me. My desires that come from a deep calling, a yearning from the soul - and to move forward, despite myself. Despite my doubts that maybe I miss heard the call, or maybe I won't add up to the calls expectations, maybe I won't add up to my expectations, maybe I won't be good enough. 

So today I am going to share with you 3 powerful lessons I have learned that have shaped me and guided me over the years. They are the 3 things I know for sure about confidence. I hope it helps release some of that nagging doubt that sometimes seems stronger than you (but we both know you're stronger than your doubt). Here's to you and your confidence...

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A Tool I Use to Enhance Clarity & Creativity

There is nothing I want more for myself and for others than for us to bring our full self to the world - the version of you that feels whole, purposeful, inspired, connected, and peaceful

However when life feels 'too' full it can create the complete opposite experiences and emotions we were going for in the first place. 

'Too full' feels overwhelming and in that overwhelm causes us to ask questions that truly have no answer, such as "what should I do?" It creates a sense of urgency, rather than an opportunity to grow and gain real insight and direction. And it cuts us off from two of the most important things we need to consciously create a life by design - clarity and creativity. 

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10 Tools to Ditch Overwhelm and Create the Life You Desire

When I am being swept into what feels like chaos - feeling overwhelmed by daily tasks or certain circumstances unfolding (or not unfolding) the way I would like in my life, there are two things I ask myself.


One, "what is the lesson here?"

Two, "what are my dominant thoughts and feelings?" 


Today's focus is going to be on the second question and the power it has to quite literally, transform your life. 

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