Posts tagged surrender control
Create S P A C E for true rest + a podcast for your weekend!

3 years ago, in a blog post, I wrote...

Even the strongest, most well-intentioned, self-proclaimed self-care aficionados need
S P A C E to fully let go and truly be held by another.

I still agree (with myself apparently -haha) because loves, it's true. Being held by another is one of the most soul-nourishing gifts you can allow yourself to receive.

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You are being guided to TRUST

“Imagine the conditioning that has kept life away from you.”

This sentence stops my heart for a moment as I read it because I know what life tastes like before and after…healing.

This sentence helps me remember in my bones that life is happening now.

Which is probably the very Purpose (with a capital “P’) of humanity. Our great work…to remember. If not, life will keep passing us by with every justification of why ‘someday’ in the future it will be better.

When I have more money…

When I sort out my career…

When my body looks…

When I find myself in a relationship…

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What self-sabotage looks like…

I used to think (and share with others) that I was a ‘jack of all trades’ and a ‘master of none.’

The truth is…that wasn’t true at all.

It was simply one of the self-sabotaging behaviors I used to keep myself small/ stuck/ feeling like I’m always one step behind the life I actually want to create (even though I’d say I wanted to play bigger, make an impact, bring my full self to the world, and flourish through and through).

That particular flavor of self-sabotaging behavior (and there are many, my friends) is called, Downplaying.

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Tenderness is your answer

The holidays can be a tender time…no matter our experience.

And whichever holidays you invite into your life…I invite you to pay closer attention to the wisdom they offer you.

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6 Rituals to help you surrender control & return to your Self

Resistance and overwhelm can rage war in our head when we forget these three truths…

1. Life is going to get full at times.

2. Life has its seasons.

3. Life is going to hit crossroads.

…and when our life is full, in a season of transition, and/or at a crossroads…how do we come back to ourself?

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