You are being guided to TRUST


“Imagine the conditioning that has kept life away from you.” 

This sentence stops my heart for a moment as I read it because I know what life tastes like before and after…healing.

This sentence helps me remember in my bones that life is happening now. 

Which is probably the very Purpose (with a capital “P’) of humanity. Our great work…to remember. If not, life will keep passing us by with every justification of why ‘someday’ in the future it will be better. 

When I have more money…

When I sort out my career…

When my body looks…

When I find myself in a relationship…

For me, the quest to create a life by design has never been about ‘someday’ and it’s never been about what I’m ‘calling in’ extrinsically - those are simply tools to a much deeper intention. It’s always been about presence, self-discovery, and sovereignty. It’s always been about what gold is beneath the desire, what healing and invitation to know wholeness is awaiting us, and what rising (for the collective good) we are being called forth to. 

Life design is a spiritual practice when done with depth. Those of you, like me, who sense we are in the world, not of the world, must learn to play with words like “life design” “goals” and “manifesting” and remember that we decide the meaning we give them, whether they trigger us or ignite us. And most importantly, each of those words can have deep value to them when applied with lush curiosity, rather than shallow expectation. 

“Imagine the conditioning that has kept life away from you.”

I read those words and I know I’m here, in this world, to peel back the layers of beliefs, conditioning, core wounds, and trauma that obscure the truth and luminosity of my essential Self. And I’m here to create and hold space for you to do the same and truly see what you’re capable of once you do so. 

FLOURISH: the experience is a space for this awakening and darlings, doors are closing at the end of the day, Tuesday, January 5th (we begin Monday, Jan. 11th).

Yes, you will gain clarity, confidence and courage about your desires, your vision (for yourself and the world), your values, your gifts, and your goals through building out a blueprint for a life that feels like yours.

You will engage in embodied rituals that will have your body, heart, and mind singing in resonance, opening to insight, and developing your intuition

You will create powerful connections and feel deeply supported and seen. You may even make friends for life (this often happens in my coaching communities). 

You will likely laugh and cry at times and be held gently through any breakdowns and breakthroughs

You will awaken your childlike spirit through creative gatherings where we do playful things together such as make vision boards, dance, and dream in ways you had forgotten are essential to your health and well-being. And because of that, we may all cry again…because remembering can do that. 

But mostly my friends, you will sit with the tender awareness (and owning) of your most true and beautiful desires and the gift will be trust and surrender. It will be about understanding your anxiety (with more compassion) so we can know peace (with more wisdom). It’s about unlocking yourself from the inside, out. 

And with that being said, I’ll leave you with the words of my favorite poem by Erin Hanson, 

There Is A Freedom Waiting For You, On The Breezes Of The Sky, And You Ask “What If I Fall?” 

“Oh But My Darling, What If You Fly.”

You are being guided to trust. 

To bringing our FULL selves to the world…together.

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